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This Is a Come Back !

We have been away for too long, says the Lady.

Πόλεμοι have been happening ; κακοδαιμονία has flourished.

Animality and humanity have suffered the consequences of disintegrating societies, where ideologies have replaced essential relationships, and the fake is even more real than the truth, or so they want you to believe.

The ontology of social relationships is no longer necessary as it is replaced by social networking, they insist on saying.

Man’s best friend is no longer the animal: ’tis the financial spectacle of consumer zombies.

Gnoseology is no longer investigated ; it has been replaced by crypto-currencies !

And Θάνατος is the only alternative to Ἐρως .

“They”, I wrote. Who are “they”? “They” : Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius! An historic Exemplum if you are aware of History, and know the difference from the imaginary.

We’ll get back to you.