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Category Archives: General

La présidente “LGBT” de l’Elysée

Nous parlâmes du genre bio-dynamique truqué des bipèdes logés à l’Elysée, château conçu pour abriter les dames galantes de la Cour, phénomène d’une autre époque, sans fonder notre argument sur des faits irréfutables. Ci-joints, les dits faits. Le κίναιδος et son ἑκτρωμα : La Saga Macron Ceux qui ont voté pour ces monstres de la […]

The Gangsters’ World Dominance

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” Dixit Aristoteles. Where does one find courage or even honour nowadays? I can only see slavery, modern progressive slavery. For tis not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. […]

The “Byzantine” What ???

f) The “Byzantine Empire” : quid pro quo. 49. Between 330 and 1453 Constantinople New Rome was the Capital of the Roman Empire and then continued to be the Βασιλεύουσα ( Queen of All Cities ), with the same name until today. The Osmanli or Ottoman Empire and the Kemalic regime, call Constantinople, Istanbul, originating, […]

Origin of the Problem

e) During the 7th century BC the unassimilated Greek Latins of Alba Longa argued that the Greek Latins of Rome were no longer pure Greeks due to the fact that they intermixed with barbarians and other slaves and dependants in that region. 32. About 500 BC, there were “about fifty” Roman gentes, many of which […]

A Twist in Etymology

18. Etymology clearly divulges the Greek origin of the ancient Latins, Romans and Sabines. The claim that Rome is simply a geographical denomination, that may be Etruscan, is unsubstantiated if not sheer nonsense. 19. In Greek, Ρώμη, Rome, means : power, force, health, fighting army and speed tactics.[18] 20. Ρώμη, Rome means : health and […]

The Romans who wrote in … Latin

12. According to Cicero, one of the first Romans to write in Latin was the Sabine Claudius (gens), Appius Caecus who was consul in 307 and 296 BC. His speech to the Senate, in Latin, was against making peace with Pyrrhus, the Greek king of Epirus. 13. The first Roman historians who wrote in Latin […]


10. The first four Roman Statesmen, annalists and historians wrote in Greek, namely : Quintus Fabius Pictor, floruit 280 BC, Statesman and historian Lucius Cincius Alimentus, floruit 200 BC, jurist and annalist Gaius Acilius, floruit 155 BC, Statesman and historian Aulus Postumius Albinus, floruit 167 BC, Statesman and historian 11. The first judicial text in […]


1. We shall name Greek-speaking peoples those of ancient Greek cultures and dialects, and we shall name them Greeks as an ethnic group. Among them were the Romans, whose Latin language was still a recognizable Greek dialect during the time of Augustus Caesar (27 BC-14 AD). The rhetorician Quintilian (c. AD 35-95) regards “Aeolic” Greek […]


Mettius Fufetius, the Latin King of Alba Longa, claims that the Romans of Tullus Hostilius (672-640 BC), the Latin King of Rome, are no longer pure Greeks, whereas his Albans are still pure Greeks. Within this context we shall study EXAMPLES OF THE SCIENCE OF ETHNIC CLEANSING OF ROMAN HISTORY AND A VISION OF THE […]

Bakounine on marx & bauer (rothschild)